Written by Charles Alan Stubblefield
Warnings: None. Clean language and no sexual situations. 
Age Appropriate for: 13+ 

The Paranoid Guy by Charles Alan Stubblefield

The story is an excellent mental health allegory that deals with the protagonist’s struggle to find meaningful relationships with others, despite his own tendency to self-destruct those relationships.  The story is compelling, the pencil work is a Picasso of simple, and my only constructive criticism is (spoiler alert!) that the connection with Emma felt rushed a bit – they kiss after having just met each other a few minutes before – I would’ve liked to see their blossoming romance developed a bit more and maybe left the kiss as a cliffhanger into Issue #2.  

I enjoyed the story and am very much looking forward to reading the next issue!

You can find Charles “Charlie” Stubblefield and his works in the Myrtle Beach area, or at OzymandiasBooks.com